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Friends With Benefits: Is It Really Worth It?

If you are one of those people who likes to have fun without strings attached then you need to read this post. There's some crucial information right here and we will also talk about certain situations which you might need to know about. But even if you are just debating becoming friends with benefits with someone... You need to think about whether it's worth it or not. First of all, lot's look at the very obvious benefits when it comes to having someone that you can always hit up with a booty call. Pros For most people, it's the physical aspect. Orgasms are always nice. They make you stress-free and fill you up with happiness hormones that can have an effect on you for up to a couple of hours. How would you not want that all the time? Unfortunately, in most cases, only friends with benefits relationships are the only ones that can provide you with a lot of sex for a long period of time. If you get yourself a boyfriend or girlfriend then it's much di

How To Get Rid Of Those Weird Indians On Facebook

As women, we've all had something like this happen to us.

Because creeps are all over every kind of social platform. And they don't give up easily.

I've had so much luck in the past few days, as some of these people have added me on Facebook. And for the first few I just told them to leave me alone, nothing extra. Although I had to block them in the end, because, as I've already said, they don't give up easily.

So I thought I'd have some fun. (I can't show many of the pictures unfortunately, I can't sensor an entire block of text.) I collected a few ways how you can get rid of these people, although if you don't want to waste your time, you're better off just blocking them.

Gore pictures
For this, you absolutely cannot be icky. Hit up BestGore (graphic images ahead, beware) and search for something that could scare someone away.
This is my favorite way to stop idiots from messaging me. Not just creeps, basically anyone who's annoying me.

Asking for money
Now, I usually get a simple "Can I see you?" or "Video chat pls". For me that means my face, which I will gladly show for the price of a new pair of shoes 😅
But even if they don't commit that much, this is the reaction you will get:

Sometimes the best answer is silence. Watching someone like this unfold in your messages is hilarious. Although, this can lead to a random unsolicited picture from them.

I have received way too many unsolicited pictures of men's private parts. To the point where I'm immune and I don't give a crap anymore. So, how does one react to such an image?

And ladies, this is how you shut down these creeps. Or you know, you can threaten to send the pictures to their mothers'. Whatever you like.

Pictures from adult movies
Now, you gotta be careful with these ones, you can't pick anything. First of all, it has to be (at least) two guys and absolutely no girls. Because let's face it, they don't want to see pictures like that.
And go overboard with it. Pick a video with a ton of people in it, lots of action. Take some screenshots and you have the perfect method to scare creeps away. I've gotten to a point where I have a collection of these for this exact purpose.

So, which was your favorite way? Will you use any of these? Tell me in the comments below or tweet at me.
Or check out the other Random Ideas.
