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Friends With Benefits: Is It Really Worth It?

If you are one of those people who likes to have fun without strings attached then you need to read this post. There's some crucial information right here and we will also talk about certain situations which you might need to know about. But even if you are just debating becoming friends with benefits with someone... You need to think about whether it's worth it or not. First of all, lot's look at the very obvious benefits when it comes to having someone that you can always hit up with a booty call. Pros For most people, it's the physical aspect. Orgasms are always nice. They make you stress-free and fill you up with happiness hormones that can have an effect on you for up to a couple of hours. How would you not want that all the time? Unfortunately, in most cases, only friends with benefits relationships are the only ones that can provide you with a lot of sex for a long period of time. If you get yourself a boyfriend or girlfriend then it's much di

You Need To Have A Relationship Diary! (But Why?)

A diary is a way to log your life. What you do, what you think or what you plan on doing. Basically anything that's connected to you.

A lot of people write diaries as a form of coping with life, to pass time or to log their activities. But it's always done individually. We see diary writing as a great way to help ourselves, so, why don't we do the same, but with out significant other?

Studies have shown that writing a diary can increase performance when it comes to your life goals, which is insanely helpful, especially when they would be very hard to achieve. So, why not try to use it in a relationship?

What should you write in your couple's diary?

  • Anything and everything you did that day
  • Things you appreciated about your partner
  • Things that made you unhappy
  • Things that annoyed you
  • Plans you made

For the sake of this post, we did this for a week, so I could share the results with you. So, what did we learn?

Spending time together
By writing an entry every single day, we spent a little more quality time together. We pointed out what stuck with us from that day and what we will likely not remember.

Learning about each other
I knew that this was bound to happen, but because we talked about how we spent the day as a couple we learned what our partner appreciated and what they didn't like us doing. In our case, I realized that I hurry things a lot, meanwhile, my boyfriend had no idea before that I don't like sitting around for a long period of time.

I don't know about others, but we have a lot of disagreements, but writing a diary has helped us deal with them. Not only did I learn that my boyfriend didn't like when I was trying to do things at a faster pace, but I also taught myself how to do it so that it doesn't annoy him.

My conclusion
Was this helpful? Hell yes. Is it worth the time? Again, hell yes.
But if you try to do this, then prepare yourself for negative feedback, because you will likely get some of it. Although, if you're trying to grow as a couple it's most definitely needed.

Will you try this out in the future? Leave your answer in the comments or tweet at me!
Or check out the other Random Ideas.
