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Friends With Benefits: Is It Really Worth It?

If you are one of those people who likes to have fun without strings attached then you need to read this post. There's some crucial information right here and we will also talk about certain situations which you might need to know about. But even if you are just debating becoming friends with benefits with someone... You need to think about whether it's worth it or not. First of all, lot's look at the very obvious benefits when it comes to having someone that you can always hit up with a booty call. Pros For most people, it's the physical aspect. Orgasms are always nice. They make you stress-free and fill you up with happiness hormones that can have an effect on you for up to a couple of hours. How would you not want that all the time? Unfortunately, in most cases, only friends with benefits relationships are the only ones that can provide you with a lot of sex for a long period of time. If you get yourself a boyfriend or girlfriend then it's much di

6 Things To Consider Before Moving In Together

Sharing your private space with your significant other is a big step, but it's even a bigger one if the two private spaces become one. And so, it requires a lot of consideration and a mutual agreement.
It's a new phase and so, a whole new part of your life. But it's more difficult than you would first think.

Living in the same space isn't easy. It takes a lot of cooperation and work, and sometimes you will find yourself thinking whether it was worth it or not. I mean, it definitely was, it's just not as simple as you thought it would be. So let's review what you can do before you rush into such a thing.

How much time do you spend together?
If you're together all day and spend every waking moment together, it won't make much of a difference.
On the other hand, there are couples who try to escape the struggles of long distance relationships by moving in together. These are the people who spend 10-15 hours together every month. Or even less. In this case, they will see the other person's true nature. And this can be the phase when you learn the faults of your partner, so it will lead to conflicts.

Are they messy? Are they a neat freak? Do they leave their clothes all over the place and only collect them when it's time for a wash? Or can they only feel well when the entire house is spotless?

Know how your partner lives before moving in together, you don't want any surprises.

If you have a cat and your boyfriend is allergic to it then... It's going to be problematic. Obviously.
But even if you don't have any pets, you might want some in the future, so be sure to talk about these kinds of allergies.

Dating will change
You won't need to call or text them to arrange a meeting and you won't need to go out of your way to hang out with them. Instead, you will end up spending most of your time together, making life a bit ore boring. Which is why it's essential to have a date night every once in a while.

Because you will need to go out of your way to make things a bit special every now and then. It will go a long way.

Having to compromise
If you lived on your own before then this will be a huge change. There will be things you won't really like and what you outright hate.

For example, you might get to pick the color of the living room, but then your significant other will pick the color of the bedroom. Which you might not like.

You will have to talk about the furniture, the walls and how you want things to be placed. And it's going to be a struggle if you've never had to do this before, trust me.

Sharing responsibilities
You have to talk about chores. Cooking, doing the dishes, doing the laundry, cleaning, etc. It will be a long talk, but it's so worth it in the long run.

Oh, and if you both hate to do a chore then you will have to take turns, don't forget that. Even if there's two of them, because it will feel unfair after a while if you don't.

You will barely have alone time
It's likely that you two will have similar shifts or class times, which is why you'll be at home together very often. So prepare yourself for this, or agree on giving each other space when they need it.

Remember: you live together, but you're not attached at the hips. Not spending every second together is perfectly okay.

So, is moving in together worth it? Yes.
Is it a ton of work? Yes.
You give something and you gain another thing. It will be hard, but you will most likely be fine with the situation, because your love will be right along your side.

What do you think? Tell me in the comments or tweet at me.
Or check out the other posts about Dating.
