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Friends With Benefits: Is It Really Worth It?

If you are one of those people who likes to have fun without strings attached then you need to read this post. There's some crucial information right here and we will also talk about certain situations which you might need to know about. But even if you are just debating becoming friends with benefits with someone... You need to think about whether it's worth it or not. First of all, lot's look at the very obvious benefits when it comes to having someone that you can always hit up with a booty call. Pros For most people, it's the physical aspect. Orgasms are always nice. They make you stress-free and fill you up with happiness hormones that can have an effect on you for up to a couple of hours. How would you not want that all the time? Unfortunately, in most cases, only friends with benefits relationships are the only ones that can provide you with a lot of sex for a long period of time. If you get yourself a boyfriend or girlfriend then it's much di

What You Should And Shouldn't Tell Your Parents - The Guide For The Lost Teen

Well, I'm going to get a ton of hate for this...

But there are times when you really shouldn't tell your parents something. Either because you don't want to, you can deal with it or it's just generally too embarrassing to talk about. So please, spare me all of the hateful comments saying: "Don't tell children to keep secrets from their parents!"

Because I don't care that he/she has your blood, your kid can have secrets. They should be allowed to keep some things to themselves, because it's a healthy thing to actually have some privacy.

Okay, let's clear something up first, your relationship with your parents should be the deciding factor for all this. If you feel like you can talk to them about whatever you're struggling with then go ahead. If you have a good relationship with them and you feel like they will understand then quit reading this and go.

If you're conflicted then go ahead.

Put your health first. If the problem is something that can affect your health then no matter how embarrassing, you should open up about it. Now, with teenagers, this can be alcohol, cigarettes, drugs or sex. All of which should be taken seriously, although there are clearly two categories in this.

If you have a problem with one of the first three (by which I mean addiction, not a result of whatever you did under the influence), you should first try to quit by yourself. You're old enough to understand the situation you're in and you thought you were mature enough to start smoking, drinking or doing drugs. I'm not going to judge you for it, we all do crappy things when we're young. But you do need to try solving it first, there's no need to stress your parents over something like this if you're able to quit by yourself. If not, then talk.

(I can't stress this enough.) If you're a girl you need to talk to your parents when you start having sex*. You need to visit a doctor and make sure everything is fine and maybe you'll even get some type of birth control. (Which will save you a ton of anxiety.)

*But of course, you might be too embarrassed or you feel like this should be a private thing that's fine too, then you just need to ask them to take you to the gynecologist.a

And with pregnancy... Let's just start with a scare first. Your haven't got your period, you're stressed and it's likely that you get sick in the morning. This all might be normal. If you haven't bought a pregnancy test and got a positive result then you might just be too stressed. Being anxious will make your period arrive later, making you stress more, making it even later... You know the rest. But as long as you're just guessing you can keep it to yourself.

But if you've had a positive test then just go to your parents. This should go without saying. They might be mad, they might yell at you, but they will help. And that's what you need.

Respect other people's privacy too, not just your own. I'm talking about gossip and secrets. I know your mother might be asking what's going on with your best friend and there might actually be trouble going on with him/her. But it's none of your mother's business. Your friend trusted you with that information, give her some respect. (And gossip is just crappy behavior, don't be like that, it's for children and lonely people who don't have a life of their own.)

And finally, I have a story, that I might tell in a video. It's about a time when I went against everything that my mother said. Would you like to hear it?

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Or check out the other posts about Family.
