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Friends With Benefits: Is It Really Worth It?

If you are one of those people who likes to have fun without strings attached then you need to read this post. There's some crucial information right here and we will also talk about certain situations which you might need to know about. But even if you are just debating becoming friends with benefits with someone... You need to think about whether it's worth it or not. First of all, lot's look at the very obvious benefits when it comes to having someone that you can always hit up with a booty call. Pros For most people, it's the physical aspect. Orgasms are always nice. They make you stress-free and fill you up with happiness hormones that can have an effect on you for up to a couple of hours. How would you not want that all the time? Unfortunately, in most cases, only friends with benefits relationships are the only ones that can provide you with a lot of sex for a long period of time. If you get yourself a boyfriend or girlfriend then it's much di...

The Dos And Don'ts Of Spontaneity

It's become quite normal for people to think that being spontaneous is equal to being a good romantic partner. For the sole reason of being interesting. We're not here to debate it, although I am quite against the idea of spontaneity being the key. Instead, let's talk about how you should do it.

First, of all, let's clear something up. Being spontaneous does not equal being unpredictable. Do not become the latter just because you want to seem interesting, it is not a good trait to have in a relationship. Your partner wants you to be reliable and trustworthy, so please, do not confuse these two.

Also, don't take everything too seriously, I'm just stating whatever seems to be working when it comes to spontaneity.

Now let's get onto the Dos and Don'ts.


Plan ahead
Whatever you do should only seem random to your partner, it's much better to have things planned and knowing what comes after what. This is especially true if you're going on a trip somewhere. (Please, never ever just get into the car and take a trip to a nearby city, you won't know where to go and you will be stuck googling places that are worthy of a visit.)
And I know, it goes against the nature of being random, but trust me on this one.

Take your partner's traits into account
If you plan ahead this should be a given. This activity will involve your partner too, don't forget to make sure that they enjoy it.

Make it exciting
Being spontaneous means being exciting. So, please do not plan a trip to the local museum (unless both of you are especially fond of whatever that museum displays.)
These kinds of activities should fuel you with adrenaline, so consider going to an amusement park (or anything that can take you back to your childhood, it's an amazing way to bond).


Have one unchangeable plan
Remember: the main goal is to be spontaneous. Sticking to your actual plan will spoil the magic in it. (And your partner might not like the original plan, so think ahead.)

Take more people with you
This should be "us" time that you're spending together. The two of you. Nobody else, not even your children. (And because your partner has to think that you're being spontaneous it's a bit degrading that you want to bring other people to your date.

Have tunnel vision
Look around yourself and take any chance you get to do something new. Don't be completely focused on your plan, once again: it will ruin the magic.

Be focused on one single theme
When you plan such an activity you should have a variety of things in mind, don't limit your entire day (or several hours) to one thing. Like I've said before: make it exciting.

What do you think? Tell me in the comments or tweet at me.
Or check out the other posts about Dating.
