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Showing posts from February, 2019

Friends With Benefits: Is It Really Worth It?

If you are one of those people who likes to have fun without strings attached then you need to read this post. There's some crucial information right here and we will also talk about certain situations which you might need to know about. But even if you are just debating becoming friends with benefits with someone... You need to think about whether it's worth it or not. First of all, lot's look at the very obvious benefits when it comes to having someone that you can always hit up with a booty call. Pros For most people, it's the physical aspect. Orgasms are always nice. They make you stress-free and fill you up with happiness hormones that can have an effect on you for up to a couple of hours. How would you not want that all the time? Unfortunately, in most cases, only friends with benefits relationships are the only ones that can provide you with a lot of sex for a long period of time. If you get yourself a boyfriend or girlfriend then it's much di

How To Get Rid Of Those Weird Indians On Facebook

As women, we've all had something like this happen to us. Because creeps are all over every kind of social platform. And they don't give up easily. I've had so much luck in the past few days, as some of these people have added me on Facebook. And for the first few I just told them to leave me alone, nothing extra. Although I had to block them in the end, because, as I've already said, they don't give up easily. So I thought I'd have some fun. (I can't show many of the pictures unfortunately, I can't sensor an entire block of text.) I collected a few ways how you can get rid of these people, although if you don't want to waste your time, you're better off just blocking them. Gore pictures For this, you absolutely cannot be icky. Hit up BestGore   (graphic images ahead, beware) and search for something that could scare someone away. This is my favorite way to stop idiots from messaging me. Not just creeps, basically anyone

Dear Mothers - Do You Know What Your Teen Daughter Needs?

Dear mothers, Before you get defensive or even aggressive towards me, because you think I'm judging you, let me tell you something. I'm a teen girl, and I only want to help, as sometimes you don't handle situations well which involve your daughters. So before you think that I'm calling you a bad mother, reevaluate what you're actually mad about, then tell me. Your opinion matters, I'm just stating the basics. So, teen girls, a pretty rough topic, we're the worst kinds of people, ranging from quiet nerds to raging alcoholics and party people. It's hard to pinpoint what each girl needs, but what I can tell you is what they really need at home and what kind of support they want from you. Let's start off by clarifying something. Most of you act like you don't want us to grow up. And that is seriously degrading, because you still treat us like little children. Which brings us to the first point. We're still little, precious bab

Do You Have Overreaction Problems? Here's How To Overcome Them

Many women struggle with keeping their reactions realistic when it comes to their partner's actions. Most men would say that this is the most annoying part of dating their significant other, the fact that they blow everything out of proportion and overreact to everything. Although, it's not just women who do this, we have to admit, we're the majority. There's nothing wrong with it, we're emotional people, but if we want to keep a healthy relationship going, then we need to address this problem and try to make ourselves better. Because let's be honest, it's childish. If you don't know if this is what you're struggling with, then let me give you an example. Your partner says something, maybe the statement they made was rude or their tone of voice was off. It makes you explode. Maybe you had a crappy day, maybe there was nothing wrong before this, but for some reason you feel as if this was over the line. You don't listen, you don't ac

You Need To Have A Relationship Diary! (But Why?)

A diary is a way to log your life. What you do, what you think or what you plan on doing. Basically anything that's connected to you. A lot of people write diaries as a form of coping with life, to pass time or to log their activities. But it's always done individually. We see diary writing as a great way to help ourselves, so, why don't we do the same, but with out significant other? Studies have shown that writing a diary can increase performance when it comes to your life goals, which is insanely helpful, especially when they would be very hard to achieve. So, why not try to use it in a relationship? What should you write in your couple's diary? Anything and everything you did that day Things you appreciated about your partner Things that made you unhappy Things that annoyed you Plans you made For the sake of this post, we did this for a week, so I could share the results with you. So, what did we learn? Spending time together By writing an e

The Top Valentine's Day Activities

Valentine's Day is right around the corner and some people have a hard time choosing a nice way to celebrate it. The ideas below were put together according to how I see this day. To celebrate every kind of love, not just the one in romantic relationships. Going to a restaurant It's the old fashioned way, but still a nice thing. It allows you to talk and bond with each other. Or if that doesn't seem to be working, then you can start trying other food. (Or even challenge each other to try new meals.) Going to the gym I, myself, love working out. So do most people, just not at a high intensity. It gives you a dopamine burst, causing you to be happier. Not to mention: exercise makes you healthier, so this shouldn't be an activity only on this special day. Painting together Everyone has an artistic side. Well... Even if not, then it can still be fun to smear a canvas with bright colors, still making memories as you're spending time together.

How To Deal With An Unreasonable Mother

You thought this blog was only about romantic relationships? Well, it would be, but since I'm a teen, no way. Also, this post is applicable to fathers as well, but in my case it's a mother, so yeah. There's one thing in common in all people. We all have a mother. And as parents, they tend to be very biased and unreasonable. Not all the time, but it happens every now and then. You can't just let go of these situations, as it's unavoidable. Story time: Okay, you all knew this was coming, I live alone with my mom as a 17 year old, what could go wrong?!  The answer is: everything. But for the sake of this post, I'll tell you the example that is still ongoing. On Thursday my mother told me to stay at home and Friday so  I can study and clean. Which I did immediately after coming back. So I asked if I could go over to my boyfriend's house to sleep over. (That's what I do every Friday, mind you, this was not a special occasion.) To which she

How To Represent Your First Year Together

Some couples like to show off how long they've been together. Rightfully so, as most of us are very proud to be with our partner and would like the whole wide world to know that. So I have the best idea, if you want all your friends to get jealous of your cute relationship. Beware though, it needs a lot of patience! The idea is simple: show the time that has passed in your pictures. The easiest way to do it is to take the same picture in the same place, but in different seasons or different parts of the day. But of course, that's not all that exciting, so instead, you can take these pictures on holidays, wearing matching outfits which are relevant to the event. Or you can go all out and take a photo every single day for an entire year and make it into a short animation by moving a little bit every day. You get the idea, now all you need to do is make up your own way to do it and start photographing! So, what do you think? Will you use this later on? Tell me

Why Neglecting Your Man Is Hurting You

Ah, yes. The silent treatment, we're all too familiar with it, whether we gave or received it. It's a form of punishment, but one that won't achieve much. Let's talk about why it's bad for your relationship. First of all, it's based on not communicating, which is already an awful start, because we know that talking about problems is the key to solving them. Not saying anything at all... Well, it makes it hard for two people to come to an agreement. It makes the argument longer than it already should be and both halves will end up feeling worse and worse by each second that passes. And the worst? If you haven't been on the receiving end of this, you don't know how bad it feels. You can't imagine the actual panic that sets in, but let me try to paint the picture in your head: Your partner refuses to talk to you, even after you've apologized a thousand times. You desperately try to make them say something, even if it's just one word.

Why Is Valentines Day So Important?

My opinion changes as often as I become single or get into a relationship. I'm sure I don't need to say why. But one thing always stays the same: Why is it obligatory for couples to love each other even more on this day? For some weird reason, this phenomena is completely normal in today's society, even if the certain pair are in the middle of a huge argument. As soon at the 14th of February hits, suddenly there are no more problems, no more hate, everybody loves each other and chocolate rains down on every happy couple. But it ends like the magic on Cinderella, at midnight, when the date changes to the 15th or February everything goes back to normal. The fights continue and the happiness wears off. But I still believe that Valentine's Day has to exist, just not the way it does currently. It should be about love, not the fake feelings we post on social media and the random gifts we take pictures of to show off to friends. It shouldn't be about singles feeling